
Material Type -» Thinners / Diluents

AZURE ThinnerAlkyd thinner especially recommended for AZURE Coat.

Technical Datasheet
S101 ThinnerAlkyd thinner suitable when brush or roll application are used.

Technical Datasheet
S205 ThinnerAlkyd thinner for SYN203 Primer, ALDAHAB Coatings, and SYN210 Primer especially when conventional spray application is used.

Technical Datasheet
S304One component acrylic thinner especially recommended when brush or roller application are used.

Technical Datasheet
S405 (Epoxsol 1)Solvent based or solvent free two-component epoxy thinner.

Technical Datasheet
S501/S502Nitrocellulose thinner suitable for NCL coatings.

Technical Datasheet
S506 (Sulphacryl)Nitrocellulose and nitro-acrylic thinner with regular evaporation rate.

Technical Datasheet
S507 (Acrysol)One & two component acrylic thinner with excellent solvency properties.

Technical Datasheet
Slow S601 ThinnerSlow evaporation rate SRT Coat thinner used inside spraying booths.

Technical Datasheet
S603 (SRT)Medium evaporation rate SRT Coat thinner used inside and outside spraying booths.

Technical Datasheet