option #1
Primer: Not recommendedCoat: EPX16Description: HS* EpoxyRemarks: EPX16 is available in major industrial colors in matt finishes
option #1
Primer: EPX08Coat: EPX26Description: HS* EpoxyRemarks: EPX26 is available in major industrial colors in semi-gloss finishes
option #2
Primer: Or EPX24Coat: Or EPX24Description: HSCT* Epoxy (Black)Remarks: EPX24 provides better flexibility, excellent for floor garages.
option #1
Primer: EPX08 Or EPX16 + thinner S405Coat: EPX06Description: SF* EpoxyRemarks: EPX06: Self leveling available in major industrial colors.
option #1
Primer: EPX16+ thinner S405 (tack coat) + EPX66 (3 k)Coat: EPX06 or EPX26Description: SF* EpoxyRemarks: EPX66 should be topsealed by EPX06 or EPX26 for decoration and if higher degrees of cleanliness and chemical resistance are required.
option #1
Primer: STOP200 Or EPX17Coat: WT14Description: WB* pure acrylic LatexRemarks: Red and green other colors are available against order.
option #1
Primer: OMEGAN SealerCoat: Polyurethane LacquerDescription: One component polyurethaneRemarks: Polyurethane Lacquer: recommended for wooden floors subjected to heavy wear such as bowling alleys, dancing halls, etc….
option #2
Primer: OMEGAN SealerCoat: Polyurethane LacquerDescription: Two-component polyurethaneRemarks: OMEGAN lacquer: easy to use and better flexibility.